Tomb Raider 1, DOS, in 8k

This video is from 2016, Tomb Raid DOS in 8k. This is what the world needed.
;    For normal gaming PC:
"FullHD" downscaled video, 650 MB.

For High end gaming PC:
"Retina" downscaled video, 1.1 GB.

3840x2160 "Ultra HD" downscaled video, 4.8 GB.

For does-not-exist fast PC:
8k original video, 9.6 GB.

This is the old Ultra HD "only" video since SOMEONE did not believe that Tomb Raider DOS 3dfx will work in Ultra HD ! HA !
Sorry for the slightly distorted sound *g*, Dosbox Taewong build with nglide + Ultra HD + capturing does have some side effects. Playing without capturing works fine tough!
The original MKV video, 170 MB.

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